The LivePokédex is a prototype currently written in JAVA Maven but will soon be moving this project to something like React Native or MERN. I love JAVA but had to use AJAX and jQuery to get some things to respond with fluency like React.js does. Instead I created a lot of advanced vanilla JS with css to get it to reach animation fluency sfx. (I think I gave my self more work than needed but had a lot of fun making it happen.)
As of now, this project connects to to retrieve some Pokémon information and save it in a MySQL database.
An additional feature of this app that I have barely scratched the surface of is text recognition using the device’s camera. The use of this feature is so that the user can scan a Pokémon Card and save its data, likely to a NoSQL type database in order to create and handle REST API requests or MongoDB.
As of now, no public full Pokémon Card API exists, and so I will do some data scraping to create one.